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Privacy Notice on the Handling of Personal Student Data

This data protection information applies to personal student data handled during the training activities of Magyar Iskola Kft.

Our company is committed to the secure storage and handling of our students' personal information. The purpose of this notice is to explain what data we collect, how we use the data so that our students can ask us to handle less information about them, and the processes we use to protect the security of their personal information.

What we promise

1) We will put in place appropriate data protection measures and expect all other organizations we work with to provide us with a similar quality of service.

2) We only send marketing emails to our students to which they have personally agreed. They are given the opportunity to decide on this and change their decision later.

3) If we request and handle personal information, we will explain why we request the information and what we will use it for, with whom we share the information.

4) We only collect personal information if it is lawful from a data protection perspective.

5) We only ask for as much personal information as is necessary to provide our services at the appropriate level and to comply with our contracts or agreements. be able to comply with legal requirements.

6) We use personal information only for the purpose for which it was originally collected.

7) If someone wants to know what personal data we have about them, or wants to change or delete it, they can request it at any time by writing to the e-mail address We will comply with the request, provided that it does not conflict with our legal or contractual obligations.

What do we use personal information for?

1) For organizing trainings (student contract, contact, information, attendance, finance)

2) To track and document student progress (evaluation, certification, attendance statistics)

3) To ensure quality teaching work (course documentation, attendance sheet, progress log, group emails)

4) To measure the quality of our service (attendance sheet, feedback)

5) To comply with data collection and sharing laws (for approved courses: applications, level tests, student contract, progress log, attendance sheet, evaluations, feedback, and certifications).

What student data do we collect?

Data category

What we use it for

Data fields

Personal data

name, maiden name, mother's name, place and date of birth, sex, nationality, language of communication, name / number / validity of identity card, reason for stay in case of foreigners, social insurance (TAJ) number, mobile, telephone, email, address, place of residence, contact name and contact details, labor market status, education, other comments, request a newsletter, where did you hear about us, date of registration

for a student contract, FAR, contacting, statistics

Course data

tuition fee, exam fee, start / exit date, archived contract, invoice note, certificate, verification, do you continue after the courseverification, do you continue after the course

student contract

attendance sheet / certificate of completion course documentation (eg diary cover)

Classes of the course

student attendance


progress log note about student

attendance statistics


distribution of costs by students


progress log


group circular: sender, recipients, content, date

informing the group


date, archived test, achieved score, current level of knowledge, textual evaluation (development, to be improved, motivation)

measuring progress


completed questionnaire (anonymous by default)

quality assurance


serial number of certificates issued to the student, certified level, copy, record of receipt



students can be listed on the invoices as a customer and can also be mentioned in account items along with various external IDs


statement per course: how much was invoiced


statement of unpaid invoices



receivables management

On what legal basis do we collect personal data?

We collect student data

1) On the basis of consent or

2) to establish a contractual relationship or

3) from a legal obligation or

4) to enforce a legitimate interest

Upon application, students consent to the use of their data to assess their level of knowledge and to organize the group.

The conclusion of the student contract requires the personal data of the student in order for the contract to be lawful, so in this case the data is necessary for the establishment of the contractual relationship.

We may share student data out of legitimate interest with our teachers, school staff, our accountant, and any subcontractor who participates in the training in order to provide it in accordance with the contract.

All secondary data processing (such as requesting feedback from students after a course or advertising or creating advertising profiles) is done with the prior consent of the students.

The Adult Education Act determines the extent of documentation in the case of approved training. Therefore, for these courses, it is our legal duty to include the information required by law in the student contract, a preliminary level assessment, a progress log, feedback, evaluation, and certification are required at the end of the course.

Who do we share personal information with?

We share personal data with language school staff to organize education.

Data about the courses will be shared with the teachers who will be teaching the course.

In the case of in-company or sponsored training, we share information about progress and development with the company or the supporting body, such as the results of level tests, the progress log, attendance reports, evaluations, and feedback.

When conducting online end-of-course test, we share the name and email address with the testing system in which the examination takes place.

We share our financial information with our accountant.

We may share the information with government agencies upon request, if legally required.

We enter into a strict contract with all individuals and organizations that access personal data while participating in the performance of our services on our behalf to ensure the protection of personal data and to comply with data protection laws. We sometimes check with an independent auditor that service providers meet our expectations.

How long do we store the data?

Personal data related to approved training will be stored for 6 calendar years following the calendar year of the end of the course. The financial information, including the personal data on it, is also included.

In the case of unauthorized training, personal data, with the exception of data on financial documents, will be stored for 3 calendar years following the calendar year of the end of the course.

Personal data not related to courses (eg applications) will be stored for 3 calendar years following the calendar year of admission.

We will then delete or modify your personal data so that it cannot be linked to an individual (anonymised).

How do we ensure the security of your personal information?

The Internet is not a secure medium, so the security of information sent using online communication technology (such as e-mail) cannot be guaranteed. However, from the moment we receive your personal information, it is safe and handled in accordance with data protection regulations.


What we do for safety:

1) It is included in everyone’s contract who has access to personal data (employment contract, teacher contract, company contract) to comply with our privacy policy.

2) Minimize the amount of documentation printed during courses. Non-relevant documents will be destroyed. We store electronically what we can, we store paper-based documents locked so that only school staff and those who are competent can access them.

3) Office computers are in a separate lockable room, all computers are password protected. We do not store data locally on computers, only on the network. Data stored on the network is backed up daily. Computers can only be accessed by school staff, everyone has their own user access.

4) The electronic storage and processing of personal data takes place in an online cloud-based system that complies with data protection rules. To use it, log in is needed, it transmits the data encrypted, protects the data by creating a secure software and hardware infrastructure, and makes copies of the data at least on a daily basis.

How can personal information be reviewed, corrected, restricted and deleted?

Is possible to check, modify, limit or delete the amount of personal data we store. Students It may also request any information we hold about them.


These can be requested as follows:

· With a request sent by post to Magyar Iskola Kft.; 1052 Budapest, Petőfi Sándor u. 11.

· By calling + 36 20 424 1012

· With a request sent to the e-mail address

We will begin processing your request within 30 days. As a first step, we will identify whether the requesting person is the same as the person whose data the request was received in.


If you are not satisfied with the way your request has been handled, you have the right to complain to:

National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority,--konnectat.html

Modification of the Privacy Notice

If there is a change in our data protection processes, the new version of the notice will be available here: and the changes will be highlighted. If the change is significant, we can also notify the assigns by e-mail. We will also ask for consent for changes if required by law.

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